Sunday, July 24, 2011

14. Discuss and reflect upon the following concepts available in Step Two:

a) Belief means reliance, not defiance.

b) Defiance is an outstanding characteristic of every compulsive eater. Refer to page 31 in the AA 12& 12.

c) The hoop you have to jump through is a lot wider than you think.

Interesting that this question is for today. I sitll do feel defiance toward having calories restrictted and having so much stucture in an eating plan. Actually it's just been today that I have felt that. I made some banana apple muffins for my kids and they wanted me to try them so much...they loved them and wanted me to have one too. I sat down and talked and laughed wtih them while they ate them and some feelings of annoyance and defiance welled up in me. I thought a lot about the therapy I am doing and the prayer I am going through. I wonder if I will ever be well enough to be acle to eat like a normal person and not have my weight, my body issues and food consume my life. Today and relief society i was looking around and ther were quite a few very overweight women...are all these women compulsive eaters. Are all of them overeaters and if so have they just accepted it as part of who they are or do they live in constant turmoil toward their bodies and food etc? I have a few freinds friends who are probably have 20-30 lbs on me and we arent close enough to talk about it yet but I wonder if they obsess about food all the time or if they are just content to be how they are?

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