Wednesday, July 27, 2011

17. Re-read Step Three. Discuss and reflect from the follow quote, “Faith alone can avail us nothing.”

Step 3: "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him" .

Its so interesting this turning our life over and yet I can't only have faith to be able to overcome this addiction. I have felt heavenly fathers power in my life over the last 2 and half weeks and i think it is because I have sought it more. It is always ther we just have to reach out and taake it. Even thought I haven't been perfect I feel like this is a process of recovery , that my effort is helping me understand my relationship with food and the underlying issues and subsequent symptoms of my compulsion. I have to say the last few days I have felt more obsessed with it because I have been hungry but today I felt so much better and more hopeful because I ater yogurt with my dinner as part of my protein. I need to go get some corn germ as I think that will help too. I can barely run wround after my kids without more carbohydrates. I am so grateful for this process, my sponsor and Heavenly Father who are helping me get through every day. It blows my mind that I haven't eaten any sugar or flour or grain at all for that matter besides the outbran for the past 18 days. It really is unbelievable to me that I haven't talked myself into going into the kitchen aand saying screw all this and stuffing my face with ice cream. I feel like I have made such a huge step in that regard and I have let go of that deomn on my shoulder...She's not there right now and as long as I stay close to heavenly father, plan and work the steps I'll be able to let her go forever.

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